Digital Events – the Future of the Event Industry


Digital events offer companies many opportunities to present themselves, to exchange ideas or to gain media attention. Thanks to the advancing digitization, unique experiences are possible in virtual spaces that reach more people than ever before.

From digital congresses to online marketing events for product launches or premieres to virtual panel discussions – keep up with the times and use the advantages of digital events for your company.


Digital events in times of Corona

Human nature is designed to adapt to changing circumstances. Corona is also currently causing a rethink in the event industry, because if people can no longer meet physically due to the risk of infection, events have to relocate to the virtual world. Conferences are digitized, premiere events with interviews are being held online and panel talks are streamed. As a company, it is essential for you to keep up with the times and use digital opportunities – the competition does too! Because only those who keep up with the times can assert themselves in the market. But: the advantages of digital events are also given regardless of Corona. The event industry will continue to shift into the digital space.


Digitization of events – the advantages

Safety first!

Especially in the current difficult and, above all, unsafe situation due to the corona pandemic, digital events are ideal to offer your guests a safe space. Because even at events with well-developed security concepts with distance and hygiene rules that have been approved by the authorities, there is always a residual risk of infection.

As a company, you should therefore not take any unnecessary risks, endangering the safety of your guests and risking negative media coverage.


Save costs!

Food and drinks, accommodation and travel costs for guests as well as many other costs that you as an organizer usually have to bear are eliminated with a virtual event. Of course, there are other costs, such as technical production, digital processing with seamless transmission and setting up the streaming on a suitable platform.

However, by digitizing an event costs can be effectively saved.


Use the reach!

In theory, you can invite an unlimited number of people to a digital event. Via streaming portals, viewers from all over the world can follow or virtually attend your event.

Another advantage: If people miss the live stream, they can watch the video later or pause it at any time.


Take on digital challenges!

As a company, you have to adapt to the advancing digitization. This shows that you are willing to progress and that you are able to keep up with the times.

In times of social networks, you have to meet your customers where they spend most of their time: in the ever-growing digital space.


We implement your digital event

From the concept through planning to high-quality implementation and wide-reaching distribution – ALPHA POOL is your digital marketing agency for virtual events.

We know the requirements that make your digital event a success.

Keep up with the times and contact us now!

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